The Fair and Summit aim to educate, engage, and inspire our community about the importance of rare disease research, with the hopes that everyone who comes knows how they can support accelerated research in rare diseases.
Seattle Rare Disease Fair Website
Breakup Overview-2021 Seattle Rare Disease Fair
Day 1 consists of- 1. The NW Rare Disease Coalition Roundtable Discussion, it includes different stakeholders, world famous gene therapy experts, scientists, and leaders in the rare disease space. 2. The Rare Disease Policy Roundtable with elected officials. 3. We will feature insightful scientific talks on orthopedic rare diseases.
Day 2 of The Summit- At the Summit, patients, families and advocates will get to know their local rare disease community, they will learn about what resources are available, and understand how they can be involved. During the entirety of the Summit we will be engaging the community in actionable items. It will be an wonderful opportunity to hear patient stories.